
Arrival to Slovakia

You can easily get to Bratislava or Košice by train, bus, or plane.
From Bratislava to Štrbské Pleso (about 318 km) you can choose either a train or a bus.
From Košice to Štrbské Pleso (about 136 km) you can choose either a train or a bus.
We recommend choosing a train with a bus/taxi connection.

You can easily get to Bratislava or Košice by train, bus, or plane. From Bratislava or from Košice to Štrpské pleso (around 318 km) you can get by train easily.

From Bratislava and Košice there are excellent train connections to Štrbské Pleso, which we recommend. Train timetables – provided by ZSSK, Slovak railway company.


You can buy a train ticket online (listed below) or at the train station.


From station Poprad-Tatry-Štrbské Pleso it is a 2-minute walk (around 160 m) to Hotel PANORAMA****.